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Contact DetailsSupreme Court Judgments - July 2008
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 376 - acquittal under - appeal against - The High Court observed that there was possibility of two years variation and therefore it was to be taken that the victims were more than 16 years of age. The High Court accepted that there was sexual intercourse and rejected the plea of false implication - the High Court's conclusions in this regard are not only fallacious but contrary to the evidence on record.
Shivappa Mallappa Pujar and others v Guddappa and
others 17/7/2008.
Land - occupancy rights - conferment - the
impugned order of the High Court cannot be sustained simply for two reasons.
First, the admission made by the respondent before the Tribunal on the basis of
which the application was rejected by the Tribunal was not considered in proper
manner. Secondly, after the order was passed by the Land Tribunal, a writ
petition was filed challenging the aforesaid order of the Tribunal about seven
to eight years thereafter. Appellate Authority while deciding the appeal in
favour of the respondent did not at all consider the aforesaid admission from
the respondent and also did not consider whether sufficient explanation was
given for delay in filing the writ petition - impugned judgment set aside —
matter sent back for re-hearing.
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1928 - section 30(1) - appeal under - disposed by learned single Judge - order challenged in appeal - there is practically no discussion on the factual scenario as to whether there was any connection between the death and the use of the vehicle. It would depend upon the factual scenario in each case and there cannot be any strait jacket formula to be applied - the expression "use" in the Statute is with reference to "use of the motor vehicle". Whether there was a use of the motor vehicle has to be factually analyzed.- Leave granted
Shashi Mohan Appellant versus State of M.P.
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 read with
section 34 - conviction under - under the provisions of Section 34 IPC
the essence of the liability is to be found in the existence of a common
intention animating the accused leading to the doing of a criminal act in
furtherance of such intention. As a result of the application of principles
enunciated in Section 34, when an accused is convicted under Section 302 read
with Section 34, in law it means that the accused is liable for the act which
caused death of the deceased in the same manner as if it was done by him alone..-
Leave granted
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 - sections 207 and 238 - whether having framed charges against an accused, a Magistrate has the jurisdiction in law to recall such order on the ground that the prosecution had failed to comply with the provisions of Section 207 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. - Leave granted
Pankaj Kumar v State of Maharashtra and others
Constitution of India -Article 227 read with
section 482 Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 - petition under - seeking
quashing of the chargesheet and the consequential proceedings initiated against
them in Special Case No.3 of 1991 pending in the court of Special Judge, Latur -
the scope and ambit of powers of the High Court under Section 482, CrPC or
Article 227 of the Constitution has been enunciated and reiterated by this Court
in a series of decisions and several circumstances under which the High Court
can exercise jurisdiction in quashing proceedings have been enumerated - though
the powers possessed by the High Courts under the said provisions are very wide
but these should be exercised in appropriate cases, ex debito justitiae to do
real and substantial justice for the administration of which alone the courts
exist. The inherent powers do not confer an arbitrary jurisdiction on the High
Court to act according to whim or caprice.-
Leave granted
Hindu Marriage Act - section 13(1)(1a)(1b) - appellant filed matrimonial case - on grounds of cruelty and desertion under Section 13(1)(1a)(1b) of the Hindu Marriage Act for dissolution of the marriage. Despite holding that the respondent had proved his case on grounds of cruelty and desertion, the trial court did not grant a decree - for divorce, but thought it appropriate to pass a decree of judicial separation instead - whether a marriage which is otherwise dead emotionally and practically should be continued for name sake.
Seema v Ashwani Kumar 9/7/2008.
Marriages - compulsory registration -
directions were given to the States and the Union Territories in the matter of
framing necessary statutes regarding compulsory registration of marriages -
different States and Union Territories have placed on record details of the
compliance made - let all the States and Union Territories who have not given
specific details, file affidavits within four months from today.
Seniority - the appellants, appointed as Principals between 1995 and 2000 (either by direct recruitment or promotion) are aggrieved by the seniority given to respondents 4 to 16 appointed as Principals on 26.5.2000, with retrospective effect from 2.6.1994 - the State Government was justified in giving them only notional seniority and placing them immediately below the other 16 candidates selected in the common merit list (published on 1.10.1993) and appointed on 2.6.1994. Respondents 4 to 16 have been given retrospective seniority not from the date of their selection as wrongly assumed by appellants, but from 2.6.1994 when other selected candidates in their merit list were appointed - no reason to interfere with the order of the High Court and these appeals are accordingly dismissed.
Kusuma Ankama Rao v State of Andhra Pradesh
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 -
conviction under - an extra-judicial confession, if voluntary and true and made
in a fit state of mind, can be relied upon by the court. The confession will
have to be proved like any other fact. The value of the evidence as to
confession, like any other evidence, depends upon the veracity of the witness to
whom it has been made
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Matrimonial laws in India:
Procedure followed in Matrimonial PetitionsSection 21 of Hindu Marriage Act provides that all proceedings under this Act shall be regulated as far as may be, by Code of Civil Procedure.
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
A husband has the right to require his wife to live with him wherever he may choose to reside. On the other hand, it is corresponding duty of the wife to live with her husband
What should an Aggrieved Person do in case of Domestic Violence
If you, being the aggrieved person, have reason to believe that an act of domestic violence has been committed or is being committed or is likely to be committed, you may give information about it to the concerned Protection Officer.
Maintenance and Residence of Female Child
Under the Hindu Marriage Act, there is provision for permanent alimony or allowance. Under section 4 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, in case of annulment of a child marriage
Hindu Marriage Act
Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, came into force on 18th of May, 1955. It has amended and codified the law relating to marriage solemnized between two Hindus.
How Can A Hindu Marry from other Religion
Marriage between two persons, who are not Hindus, it would be a case of special marriage. In this regard, reference may be made to provisions of Special Marriage Act (43 of 1954)
Judicial Separation
Section 10 of Hindu Marriage Act provides for judicial separation. It provides that either party to a marriage can file a petition before the Court for such a relief.
Maintenance for wife, children and parents - Section 125 CrPC
When any person neglects or refuses to maintain, his wife, children or parents, than they can claim maintenance by filing an application before the Magistrate under Section 125 CrPC
Nullity of Marriage
A void marriage as par hindu marriage act is one that requires no formality to terminate, as it was invalid from the very beginning as it did not follow the strict grounds of a valid marriage as prescribed in the act. # The astronomical figure of One lakh copyrights registration has been achieved by legal Service India, Thank you for your continued support and trust in us

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