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Contact DetailsSupreme Court Judgments - January 2008
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 - conviction under - upheld by the High Court - appeal - if a dying declaration is found to be reliable then there is no need for corroboration by any witness, and conviction can be sustained on its basis alone.- Leave granted
Shanti Devi v State of Sikkim and another
impugned - this is
one of those rare cases in which the decision impugned in the appeal not only
merits intervention but also calls for certain observations to be made in
respect of the order itself
- Leave granted
Specific performance - this appeal is directed against the judgment and order dated 11.01.2005 passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay in First Appeal No. 743 of 1993 in and by which the High Court set aside the decree for specific performance granted by the trial Court and consequently dismissed the suit of the plaintiffs - Leave granted
Vishnu Dev Sharma v State of U.P. & others
Seniority -
fixation - writ petition - seniority challenged
- seniority
has been given from the date if confirmation - learned counsel for the appellant
submitted that such summary dismissal of writ petition was not warranted as
several issues of considerable importance were involved, more particularly
whether the norms for fixing seniority in the background facts of the case were
to be considered -
Leave granted
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - sections 302 read with section 34 - conviction under - appeal - considering the dying declaration and the manner in which it was recorded, court cannot rely upon the dying declaration recorded by PW 1. Apart from this fact, there is no other evidence on record to implicate the appellants in the incident
Vidyadhari & others v Sukhrana Bai & others
Succession Act
- section 372 - 2 separate applications filed for obtaining succession
certificate - Merely because Sukhrana Bai was the legally wedded wife that by
itself did not entitle her to a Succession Certificate in comparison to
Vidhyadhari who all through had stayed as the wife of Sheetaldeen, had born his
four children and had claimed a Succession Certificate on behalf children also
- Leave granted
Motor accident - compensation - multiplier -- applicability - choice of multiplier is determined by the age of the deceased or claimants whichever is higher. Admittedly, the age of the father was 55 years. The question of mother's age never cropped up because that was not the contention raised even before the Trial Court or before this Court.- Leave granted
State of Maharashtra v Devahari Devasingh Pawar &
Procedure Code, 1973 - section 197
- proceedings pending before ACJM quashed by the High Court as no
sanction as required - was there employees of the blood bank were prosecuted
under IPC and Drugs Act - HIV contaminated blood was supplied to the Government
Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur by its blood bank and as a result, some
patients who were given blood transfusion had tested HIV positive
- Leave granted
Code of Civil Procedure - order 39 - leave to defend the suit - denial by the city Civil Court and the High Court - appeal - the trial court and High Court have taken a rather technical view of the matter - in the overall facts and circumstances of the case, the petitioner ought to have at least been allowed to defend the suit, subject to the condition of depositing a part of the plaintiff's claim.- Leave granted
Kunju @ Balachandran v State of Tamil Nadu
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 -
conviction under - appeal - it is not the number, the quantity, but the quality
that is material. The time-honoured principle is that evidence has to be weighed
and not counted. On this principle stands the edifice of Section 134 of the
Evidence Act. The test is whether the evidence has a ring of truth, is cogent,
credible and trustworthy, or otherwise - Leave granted
Testamentary case - great many questions were involved in the Testamentary Suit instituted by the respondent No. 1. Several issues were framed by the trial Court and the suit was decided by a detailed judgment entering into merits of the matter - the learned counsel for the appellants is right in submitting that the Division Bench of the High Court ought to have admitted the appeal. - Leave granted
Brijendra Singh v State of M.P. & another
Adoption - Civil Procedure Code, 1908 -
section 100 - challenge in this appeal is to the judgment of the Madhya Pradesh
High Court at Jabalpur in a Second Appeal under Section 100 of the Code - the
present appeal involves a very simple issue but when the background facts are
considered it projects some highly emotional and sensitive aspects of human life
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 - conviction order and sentence recorded by High Court - acquittal by Session Court - appeal - as per Ballistic Expert's opinion, cartridge E.C.1 was not fired from the single barrel 12 bore No. 1319 said to have been used by the accused - therefore, the appellant accused is entitled to benefit of doubt
State of M.P. & others v Madhukar Rao
Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 - section
50(1)(c) - Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 - section 451 - whether a vehicle
or vessel etc. seized under Section 50(1)(c) of the Wild Life (Protection) Act,
1972 is put beyond the power of the Magistrate to direct its release during the
pendency of trial in exercise of powers under Section 451 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973
Investigation - interference - by statutory authority - Blank cheques - handed over for business purposes during 2000-2004 - fraudulently used - dispute arose in 2005 - a bare perusal of Section 415 read with Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code would clearly lead to the conclusion that fraudulent or dishonest inducement on the part of the accused must be at the inception and not at a subsequent stage - Leave granted
M/s. Sify Ltd. v M/s. First Flight Couriers Ltd.
Civil Procedure Code - order 37 rules
2 and 3 - the appellant company is engaged in the business of providing service
in setting up of Networks and other value added services in the field of
information and technology. The respondent company is engaged in the business of
providing Courier services. - Leave granted
Karnataka High Court Act - section 4 - writ appeal filed under - dismissal - challenged - proceedings were initiated on the basis of an application that the alienation was hit by Section 4 of Karnataka Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes (Prohibition of Transfer of Certain Lands) Act, 1978
Ramesh Krishna Madhusudan Nayar v The State of
Maharashtra 7/1/2008.
Indian Penal Code, 1860 - section 302 -
applicability of - appellant sentenced to life imprisonment - appeal - for the
application of Exception 4, it is not sufficient to show that there was a sudden
quarrel and there was no premeditation. It must further be shown that the
offender has not taken undue advantage or acted in cruel or unusual manner. The
expression undue advantage as used in the provision means 'unfair advantage'
- Leave granted
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 - section 47 - protection under - the appellant protested against the action of the Board in relieving him from service - Leave granted
Kaliyamma & others v Deputy Commnr. Chitradurga
Distt. & others 3/1/2008.
Karnataka High Court Act 1979 - section 4 -
writ appeal filed under - dismissal - challenged - the stand taken before the
High Court essentially was that the land was granted under the non-depressed
class category and, therefore, the period is 12 years to substantiate the plea
about adverse possession.
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Matrimonial laws in India:
Procedure followed in Matrimonial PetitionsSection 21 of Hindu Marriage Act provides that all proceedings under this Act shall be regulated as far as may be, by Code of Civil Procedure.
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
A husband has the right to require his wife to live with him wherever he may choose to reside. On the other hand, it is corresponding duty of the wife to live with her husband
What should an Aggrieved Person do in case of Domestic Violence
If you, being the aggrieved person, have reason to believe that an act of domestic violence has been committed or is being committed or is likely to be committed, you may give information about it to the concerned Protection Officer.
Maintenance and Residence of Female Child
Under the Hindu Marriage Act, there is provision for permanent alimony or allowance. Under section 4 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, in case of annulment of a child marriage
Hindu Marriage Act
Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, came into force on 18th of May, 1955. It has amended and codified the law relating to marriage solemnized between two Hindus.
How Can A Hindu Marry from other Religion
Marriage between two persons, who are not Hindus, it would be a case of special marriage. In this regard, reference may be made to provisions of Special Marriage Act (43 of 1954)
Judicial Separation
Section 10 of Hindu Marriage Act provides for judicial separation. It provides that either party to a marriage can file a petition before the Court for such a relief.
Maintenance for wife, children and parents - Section 125 CrPC
When any person neglects or refuses to maintain, his wife, children or parents, than they can claim maintenance by filing an application before the Magistrate under Section 125 CrPC
Nullity of Marriage
A void marriage as par hindu marriage act is one that requires no formality to terminate, as it was invalid from the very beginning as it did not follow the strict grounds of a valid marriage as prescribed in the act. # The astronomical figure of One lakh copyrights registration has been achieved by legal Service India, Thank you for your continued support and trust in us

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