Terrorist and their Tactics:-Need of Creative Criminology
Article is regarding how the terrorist are using or goign to narrow in the means of their investment for the terrorist attack and what should our law enforcement must do in response of their creative way of planning and execution of strategy of terrorism.Author Name: sanjay181@gmail.com
Article is regarding how the terrorist are using or goign to narrow in the means of their investment for the terrorist attack and what should our law enforcement must do in response of their creative way of planning and execution of strategy of terrorism.
Terrorist and their Tactics:-Need of Creative Criminology
In India and even the whole world is very well known about the Terrorist, as there is lots of news regarding them on every media and statements from the law enforcement personnel, diplomats, academic, politician and their way of hurting the society at large is very different manner and making phobia of terrorist in the public mind. To achieve this, even they are killing themselves with the explosion some time. Terrorist are using tactics like:- killing of people by Bomb, Arms, RDX or other weapon available as per the time, hike jack of airplane or kidnapping of important person or their relative for to get back some terrorist (who were apprehended by law enforcement officer after a grave creativity), using of biochemical weapon, beheaded the journalist or other important people at the time being in force, using the computers for their criminal activity and breaching cyber security so that their terrorist activity will not be halt at any cost, using of jobbers for their activity by providing counseling & demanded things, minimum numbers of terrorist person attacking strategies and very important one is that using of less investment tactic like hiring of vehicle or others for to attain their target also as we will see in the future after terrorist will apply. As per the oxford dictionary, the meaning of tactics is “the particular method you use to achieve something” this definition has different meaning for everyone.
These day tactics of terrorist are changed as they were washing the mind of people to become a terrorist or member of terror group in the sake of their achievement. Now they are changing their mind to “How they can maximize the loss to the society or Government and minimize the risk for themselves like how easily escape, no arrest or encounters with law enforcement officer. Terrorist are following criminology theory like routine activity theory for attacking the society at large and ready for the future attack but law enforcement officer are unable to follow their life, so we have a need to find at least a way to follow them so that we can able to link terrorist’s way of attacking that is “Creative Criminology” from this perspective we have to look on every aspect of crime theory and case study after that we have to connect the events with our creativity just like film, fiction and cultural institutions showing creativity of criminology work in the sense of catching the criminal before committing the crime and other issue of crime also. These films and fiction criticize the old theory of crime and also providing the challenge to the orthodox criminological work and mythological weakness. Even terrorism still remains a serious threat in 2017 also as in 2015 and 2016 were worst year in terms of fatalities across the whole world means Asia, Africa and Western Europe. New year has started with a great injure, at least 25 people were killed in Baghdad, December 31, 2016 tactics was suicide attack, 39 people were shot dead in a nightclub in Istanbul and in Russia also now there is a sign of terrorist fatalities example Ambassador killed by his security personnel. In Southeast Asia presence of Hizb-ut-Tahrir using their tactics with Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and in North & East Africa Boko Haram and Al Shahaab, also Al-Qaeda in the Ismalic Maghreb (AQIM). As per India is concerned there is already a great dispute with the neighboring countries specially Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka in this means there is a great opportunity for the “lone wolf” and “copycat” way of tactics for the terrorist (January 10, 2017, The Hindu).
The Mumbai attack was planned in Pakistan and directed by Lashkar-e-Taiba militants with only ten people horrify the whole India (total population near to 125 crore) tactics shooting and bombing with AK-47, RDX, IEDs, Grenades and latest use mobile phones and VOIP. Terrorist Ajmal Kasab and his associates came in India through the ocean, here question is arising where was the surveillance system went when terrorist were crossing you good self ocean under your nose or terrorist were enough intelligent that they stopped your good self every surveillances system, so that you were not able to look on them, means we all are totally depending on the machine not the power that every human have i.e. creativity, helping every time somewhere in life when problem occurring. In this attack nearly 164 people were killed by the terrorist and unnumbered wound victim. Even though after some days, there was a news in T.V that international investigator already warned the India surveillance regarding the probably threat from the terrorist attack.
In the case of Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel who attacked on Bastille Day celebrations in France in July in Nice by speeding a truck for 2km (about 1 mile) along the crowded promenade:- Eighty-four people, including 10 children, were killed and Two hundred and two people were injured and 52 people remain in critical care, 25 on life support. Three or four children are in extremely critical condition include two Americans, a Russian student and a motorcyclist who tried to board the truck to stop the driver (even he was not a law personnel but was law abiding citizen with creativity to lodge the truck through the use of motorcycle, he died that a different things, if his approach of climbed could be successful in stopping that terrorist than law personnel can make good collection of knowledge and can also find all answer why he did this etc…). Police found two automatic weapons, ammunition, a mobile phone and documents in the truck. In this case even some news papers are saying that every time road closed during the celebration day but on that day how this man came because law personnel have machine to look physically not mentally and also some lines were also said in this regards by Sh. R. K. Raghavan, former CBI director from India in this regards “ The truth is that one can scan the physical body of a suspected terrorist, but you cannot unravel his mind to frustrate his evil design”. In this regards former president of USA respected Barack Obama also used creativity through his speech in good sense, he said “called for unity around the world in the wake of the Nice attack, and rejected calls to target Muslims or minority groups. “We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorist’s want. We should never do their work for them.”In this case terrorist only hire a truck that was taken by showing some wrong or right documents and completed his task, no hard work, no training, no technology but use his creativity to maximize the loss to the society or Government.
In India when Mufti Mohmad Syed was a Central Home Minister, his daughter was kidnapped, results- Thirteen terrorist release, Saifuddin Soz was a Senior leader his daughter kidnapped results- Seven Terrorist released and Gulab Nabi Azad well known face in Indian Political system his son-in-law was kidnapped, results-Twenty one terrorist release. In these example who was heavy in sake of life value, a single life who was kidnapped or the life of people who will be victim of released terrorist, in future and there is a lots of aggression between the Border Security Officers and terrorist, here they are using the very classic theory of punishment for each other i.e. tooth for tooth or hand for hand and in Egypt Terrorist attack, 8 eight police officers killed, 3 hurt (The Tribune January 18, 2017).
In criminology, criminologist are studying/providing through the research, cause of crime and the way for investigating the cause of crime, in all perspective like, sociological, biological, psychological etc and also providing theory based upon their research. By using the Creative Criminology we have to find out the way of pro-active investigation of crime and search the crime that will or going to be happen in the near future, this is something over expectation from the law personnel and punish the terrorist in a different way that may not exactly as our law or ethics not permitted us, (sometime killing on the spot). Terrorist are changing their way of attacking on our society so we have to change our law and our strategy or way of thinking and attacking i.e. creative power with law itself. Whenever there is any statement or any procedure is starting against the terrorist they are responding in attacking manner in this regards we should be ready with research work of crime and must be proactive for the their target think in every approach or must be creative with law itself . As William also argued that the work of criminology and sociology is still relevant in present society even though the search were carried before a long time, because imagination and speculation were enriched in them. However in every country or at present also there is lots of theater work on crime and criminology i.e. they are showing the creative way of curbing the crime, so we have to look forward from the orthodox criminological research and try to find out the new way of curb the future crime as researcher are using imagination of their work before going in the field or for to get the data collection.
Conclusion:- Criminology subject mainly concerned with the crime in every aspect .i.e. cause of crime and its effect on the society at large. Scenario of crime has changed from 17th to 21st as per the discovery of the cause of crime and giving special legislation in this regards by the particular influencer or criminologist as time being in force i.e. Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham, Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri, Durkheim’s social determinism, Rober E. Park, Robert Merton…etc and firstly their work was based upon imagination, after that they implemented the work in the same manner some other criminologist criticize the others work and speculation came in existence. This imagination and speculation is giving us the way in crime and criminological research, so we should focus on such a way of diminish or minimize the crime somewhat before it happens in the society at large, that we can say by “Creativity Criminology” way of fighting in advanced with a crime before its comes in the practice by the use of experience of professional working in the crime and related field.
ISBN No: 978-81-928510-1-3
Author Bio: I am Post Graduate Criminology and Criminal Justice student.
Email: sanjay181@gmail.com
Views: 1634
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